v0.1.0 GameApp.Game

GameApp.Game defines a struct that encapsulates game state as well as many functions that advance the game state based on actions that players can take.

Link to this section Summary


Creates a game.

Adds a player to a game.

Removes a player from a game. Removing a player doesn't remove their score which allows for a player to possibly leave and rejoin a game in progress without losing their prior points.

Assigns a prompt to the current round.

Adds a reaction in the current round for the given player.

Starts prompt selection for the current round.

Starts a game. Requires at least 3 players including the creator.

Starts prompt selection for the current round.

Starts a round.

Returns a summary of the game state.

Link to this section Types

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game_state() ::
  | :game_start
  | :round_start
  | :prompt_selection
  | :reaction_selection
  | :winner_selection
  | :round_end
  | :game_end
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t() :: %GameApp.Game{
  config: GameApp.Config.t(),
  creator: GameApp.Player.t(),
  funmaster: GameApp.Player.t() | nil,
  funmaster_order: [String.t()],
  phase: game_state(),
  players: %{optional(String.t()) => GameApp.Player.t()},
  round_number: integer() | nil,
  rounds: [GameApp.Round.t()],
  scores: %{optional(String.t()) => integer()},
  shortcode: String.t(),
  winners: [GameApp.Player.t()]

Link to this section Functions

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create(attrs \\ [])

create(keyword()) :: GameApp.Game.t()

Creates a game.


iex> Game.create(shortcode: "ABCD", creator: Player.create(id: "1", name: "Gamer"))
  shortcode: "ABCD",
  creator: %Player{id: "1", name: "Gamer"},
  players: %{"1" => %Player{id: "1", name: "Gamer"}},
  scores: %{"1" => 0},
  funmaster: %Player{id: "1", name: "Gamer"},
  funmaster_order: ["1"]
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player_join(game, player)

Adds a player to a game.


iex> :rand.seed(:exsplus, {1, 2, 3})
iex> g = Game.create(shortcode: "ABCD", creator: Player.create(id: "1", name: "Gamer"))
iex> Game.player_join(g, Player.create(id: "2", name: "Gamer2"))
  shortcode: "ABCD",
  creator: %Player{id: "1", name: "Gamer"},
  players: %{
    "1" => %Player{id: "1", name: "Gamer"},
    "2" => %Player{id: "2", name: "Gamer2"}
  scores: %{"1" => 0, "2" => 0},
  funmaster: %Player{id: "1", name: "Gamer"},
  funmaster_order: ["1", "2"]
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player_leave(game, player)

Removes a player from a game. Removing a player doesn't remove their score which allows for a player to possibly leave and rejoin a game in progress without losing their prior points.


iex> :rand.seed(:exsplus, {1, 2, 3})
iex> p1 = Player.create(id: "1", name: "Gamer")
iex> p2 = Player.create(id: "2", name: "Gamer2")
iex> g = Game.create(shortcode: "ABCD", creator: p1)
iex> g = Game.player_join(g, p2)
iex> Game.player_leave(g, p2)
  shortcode: "ABCD",
  creator: %Player{id: "1", name: "Gamer"},
  players: %{"1" => %Player{id: "1", name: "Gamer"}},
  scores: %{"1" => 0, "2" => 0},
  funmaster: %Player{id: "1", name: "Gamer"},
  funmaster_order: ["1", "2"]
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select_prompt(game, prompt)

select_prompt(GameApp.Game.t(), String.t()) :: GameApp.Game.t()

Assigns a prompt to the current round.

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select_reaction(game, player, reaction)

select_reaction(GameApp.Game.t(), GameApp.Player.t(), String.t()) ::

Adds a reaction in the current round for the given player.

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select_winner(game, player)

select_winner(GameApp.Game.t(), GameApp.Player.t() | nil) :: GameApp.Game.t()

Starts prompt selection for the current round.

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start_game(GameApp.Game.t()) :: GameApp.Game.t()

Starts a game. Requires at least 3 players including the creator.


iex> :rand.seed(:exsplus, {1, 2, 3})
iex> p1 = Player.create(id: "1", name: "Gamer1")
iex> p2 = Player.create(id: "2", name: "Gamer2")
iex> p3 = Player.create(id: "3", name: "Gamer3")
iex> g = Game.create(shortcode: "ABCD", creator: p1)
...>     |> Game.player_join(p2)
...>     |> Game.player_join(p3)
iex> Game.start_game(g)
  shortcode: "ABCD",
  phase: :game_start,
  creator: %Player{id: "1", name: "Gamer1"},
  players: %{
    "1" => %Player{id: "1", name: "Gamer1"},
    "2" => %Player{id: "2", name: "Gamer2"},
    "3" => %Player{id: "3", name: "Gamer3"}
  scores: %{
    "1" => 0,
    "2" => 0,
    "3" => 0
  funmaster: %Player{id: "2", name: "Gamer2"},
  funmaster_order: ["2", "3", "1"]
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start_prompt_selection(GameApp.Game.t()) :: GameApp.Game.t()

Starts prompt selection for the current round.

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start_round(GameApp.Game.t()) :: GameApp.Game.t()

Starts a round.


iex> :rand.seed(:exsplus, {1, 2, 3})
iex> p1 = Player.create(id: "1", name: "Gamer1")
iex> p2 = Player.create(id: "2", name: "Gamer2")
iex> p3 = Player.create(id: "3", name: "Gamer3")
iex> g = Game.create(shortcode: "ABCD", creator: p1)
...>     |> Game.player_join(p2)
...>     |> Game.player_join(p3)
iex> g = Game.start_game(g)
iex> Game.start_round(g)
  shortcode: "ABCD",
  phase: :round_start,
  round_number: 1,
  creator: %Player{id: "1", name: "Gamer1"},
  players: %{
    "1" => %Player{id: "1", name: "Gamer1"},
    "2" => %Player{id: "2", name: "Gamer2"},
    "3" => %Player{id: "3", name: "Gamer3"}
  scores: %{
    "1" => 0,
    "2" => 0,
    "3" => 0
  funmaster: %Player{id: "3", name: "Gamer3"},
  funmaster_order: ["3", "1", "2"],
  rounds: [
    %Round{number: 1, prompt: nil, reactions: %{}, winner: nil}
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summary(GameApp.Game.t()) :: map()

Returns a summary of the game state.


iex> g = Game.create(shortcode: "ABCD", creator: Player.create(id: "1", name: "Gamer"))
iex> Game.summary(g)
  creator: %Player{id: "1", name: "Gamer"},
  funmaster: %Player{id: "1", name: "Gamer"},
  phase: :lobby,
  players: %{"1" => %Player{id: "1", name: "Gamer"}},
  player_count: 1,
  prompt: nil,
  reactions: %{},
  reaction_count: 0,
  ready_to_start: false,
  round_winner: nil,
  round_number: 1,
  scores: %{"1" => 0},
  shortcode: "ABCD",
  winners: [],
  final_round: true,
  config: %GameConfig{}